Free ADHD Test. Symptom Checker and Diagnosis for Mental Illness and Disorder.
ADHD and Depression Test
We are glad you have decided to take our free online ADHD and Depression Test. This symptom checker will ask you a series of questions to determine if you qualify as having the symptoms of a mental health illness or disorder. The questions asked are the same questions that any professional would ask if you visited them in an outpatient facility.
To others, those with ADHD seem aloof, forgetful, hyper, socially inappropriate, intentionally not trying, disorganized, and more. This is usually made worse by the fact that people with ADHD have the ability to hyper-focus on activities that they like. Hyper-focusing is when they block out all external noises and focus so intently on an activity that it seems like they are ignoring the rest of the world. To those who don't have ADHD, this makes it look like ADHD people can focus when they want to. Truth is, hyper-focusing is a trait of ADHD and is a normal part of the diagnosis.
To find out if you qualify as having an ADHD disorder, Click on the button below to take our symptom checker. We use the latest and most accurate clinical questions and tools to accurately determine if you might qualify as having any number of symptoms. We will educate you on what they mean, what to do, and how you can best handle them.
Please click "I understand" to start the assessment.
Please keep in mind that this is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment in any way and any information gathered is solely for educational purposes.
The symptom checker usually takes between 15-45 minutes to complete, depending on the questions, the user's computer skills, reading speed, and the answers to the questions. Some questions trigger additional questionnaires to complete a more accurate diagnostic picture – these additional questions add to the time required to complete the questionnaire.
Make sure you read the directions at the top of each section prior to answering questions. If you get stuck on a question because you are not sure what the question is asking, there may be additional information on the right side of your screen that may help you answer that particular question. If you are still stuck, please answer the question to the best of your ability – not answering any questions will result in an incomplete diagnosis.
All the information you submit, and the diagnosis results, are completely secure, private and confidential.