Text Chat Therapy and Counseling with Unlimited Messages for Teens and Adults.

Text/Chat Counseling with Unlimited Messages

Your first week of unlimited messages is only $9.

$29/week afterwards - the most cost effective therapy service online.

Ask us any question, any time. Communicate using your computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. You have unlimited access to Elttila Counselors. This is how therapy and new age technology were meant to be used.

100% secure, private, confidential and anonymous.

Chat with masters and doctorate level counselors immediately. We are ready to chat with you.


Once you join the text/chat therapy program, you will be paired with a Counselor who will assess your current mental health indicators, actively listen to your concerns, introduce you to our in depth education program, and also collaboratively develop workable goals for your treatment plan.

No appointment necessary. Send message to your personal counselor anywhere you go, at any time. Your personal counselor will respond back to you within two hours.

You'll be billed weekly. If you are not completely satisfied with your personal counselor, you can cancel at any time and we'll give you back full refund.