In order to live a healthy and peaceful life it’s important to be aware of the type of energy you allow into your personal space. Engaging in repeated interactions of negativity hinders your personal and spiritual growth. Ending or limiting your time with toxic people is vital for your overall well-being. Without the awareness of what toxic people look like, it becomes increasingly likely that you will begin to absorb and convey the same poisonous traits or find yourself emotionally and energetically bankrupt.
Here are a few examples of characteristics that a toxic person may demonstrate:
1. The Negative Nancy. This person refuses to see the good in anything that takes place in life. Every positive is followed-up with a potential negative. This person may appear paranoid, bitter, and unforgiving.
2. The Controller. This person tries to push others to feel or act in a way that is pleasing to them. When things fail to go their way they manipulate you into eventually conforming to their views and wants.
3. The Victim. This person neglects to take accountability for their role in their life experiences. You may find yourself constantly guilt-tripped for holding this person responsible for their actions. Habitual blamers.
4. The Perfect One. This person measures who you are by how well you live up to their personal standards. Their way is the best and only way. Anything less is not “good enough”. Insecure arrogance.
5. The Envious One. This person has a difficult time being happy for the achievements and success of others. This person may often minimize your accomplishments to ease their jealousy; or even offer you underhanded compliments.
6. The Over-sensitive One. This person makes every situation or comment a personal attack against them. They are often self-absorbed and overly consumed by their perception of being wronged.
Check back with the Elttila Blog and Resource Center for an updated series on how to deal with the toxic people that may draining you of your happy spirit! Remember, your personal peace will reflect the energy you entertain.
Written by Brianna Colbert, MA, LLPC.