“I just can’t seem to stay in a good mood!” a client recently stated to me. I believe this could be a feeling that we all experience at some time in life. Our moods affect us both physically and mentally. This is why it is extremely important to develop a lifestyle that promotes a healthy disposition. Learn to transform and progress your moods in just 4 steps!
1. Stop negative thinking and self-talk. The condition of your thoughts birth your feelings, speech, and behaviors. When you are mindful of the types of thoughts you allow to occupy your mind, you are much more capable of preventing the possibility of exaggerated responses, limiting beliefs and negative talk. Remember, we bring about what we think about. If you want a positive mood, nurture a positive mind.
2. Stop reflecting on painful past situations and events. Rehashing old grief is a sure way to damper your mood. Try to find healthy and happy activities that redirect your energy and focus. If there are bad events that still weigh heavily on you, learn helpful coping skills by visiting Elttila’s Blog and Resource Center to read: Letting Go of Pain in 5 steps.
3. Cut or minimize negative connections and habits. Pay attention to the connections and habits you have formed. Many times, we are unaware of just how drained we become from these factors. For example, if you have a coworker who continuously calls you to complain and gossip, limit your availability to this person. If your weekly routine involves purchasing magazines to compare your body to fitness models – modify this behavior by picking up a self-help fitness book instead. Create an environment that cultivates happy feelings and inspires you to improve yourself.
4. Meditate and spend more time outdoors. It’s been proven that taking time to meditate and explore the outdoors improves the mind, moods and negative feelings. Practicing self-care on a consistent basis is a great way to prevent the formation of self-destructive moods. For more information on how to meditate, and to learn about the effect nature has on your mental state, please read Meditation for Mental Health, and Nature Deficit Disorder located at Elttila’s Blog and Resource Center.
Be active in your pursuit to stay happy and healthy! What things do you do to manage your moods? Share your thoughts in the comments section of this article on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/elttila!
Written by Brianna Colbert, MA, LLPC.